These are the slides and code of talks given at the EuroDjangoCon, which is held in Prague from May 4th to May 6th. This information can also be found in the EuroDjangoCon Wiki.
Day 1:
- Zed Shaw (@zedshaw): Opening Keynote
- James Tauber (@jtauber): Django Patterns [PDF]
- Andrew Godwin (@andrewgodwin): Migrations: whywhyhowwho?
- Paul Smith (@paulsmith): The web map stack on Django
- Justin Lilly (@justinlilly): Django @ 30.000 feet
- Simon Willison (@simonw): Django Heresies
Day 2:
- Honza Kral (@HonzaKral): Model Aware Validation
- Mike Malone (@mjmalone): Scaling Django Web Apps [PDF] + Code on Github
- Eric Holscher (@ericholscher): Django Testing
- Peter Baumgartner, Michael Trythall (@LincolnLoop): Customizing the Django Admin [PDF]
- Alex Gaynor (@alex_gaynor): Forms, Getting Your Money’s Worth
- Joe Stump (@joestump) Rethinking the Stack
Day 3:
- Franz Wierzbicki (@fwierzbicki): Django on Jython
- David Larlet (@davidbgk): State of the art and future of Semantic stuff in Django (panel)
- Leah Culver (@leahculver): The Next Big Thing
- James Tauber (@jtauber): State of Pinax
- Joe Stump (@joestump): Working with large data sets
- Andy Smith (@termie): Migrating from LAMP to AppĀ Engine
This post will be updated over time. Please leave a comment if you think something is missing.
Yo, I just stuck my slides on scaling django web apps up at
Andy Smith:
Honza Kral: