Say you find a video on YouTube and you want to share it with your friends on sevenload. Now what?
YouTube to sevenload Bookmarklet to the rescue!
Just drag the link below to your bookmark toolbar:
If you are watching a video on, click the bookmarklet to get redirected to the same video on sevenload.
You can also manually create a bookmark with this adress (make sure to remove linebreaks):
javascript:l=document.location;m=’Not a YouTube video!’;if($/)==-1){alert(m);}else{‘&’);v=”;for(var i in a){k=a[i].split(‘=’);if(k[0]==’v’){v=k[1];break;}}}if(v==”){alert(m);}else{window.location=’’+v}
Das nenn ich mal ein nützliches tool!
LG Andreas
Super tool! Danke dir sehr, jetzt kann ich jederzeit das coole sevenload Design geniessen ^^